Explore what we offer
Dog Walk - (Group)
This is a group walk with other dogs, no larger than 4 dogs. This enable our walker to focus on your dog rather than having too many dogs to handle. Your furry will be taken to a local fields to be able to run around to their hearts content, well for a 45min-60min walk, and returned to the safety of their homes to sleep and relax.
Pet Sitting/ Pet Visits
When our days are too busy to fit everything in, or you’re going to have a late finish then we can pop in and let your buddy out for a toilet break, and sit with them for 1 hour to allow them to get some friendly comfort.
Individual Walk
This is for dogs that struggle to socialise or a breed of dog which cannot be walked in a pack. They will again be taken to local fields to be able to run and explore for 45min-60mins. They will then be returned safe and sound to the homely surroundings.